My blessing was the wood itself.
After I got all the wood I kept looking at all the pressed board and asked the Lord how I was going to get rid of it... I had someone who said he could take it to the recycle place but I also knew, from experience, that could be a lonnnnnggggg time before it got taken away.
He told me to call my friends across the street to see if they could use it for anything. Her husband is in Cali right now so she said she would get back to me.
After awhile she told me that that wood was EXACTLY the kind of wood her husband had wanted to get to re-do something (she didn't know for sure) So they are taking all of it except the scrap pieces that are too small for anything! They were blessed from my blessing!
As I was sorting and stacking the wood it was almost overwhelming...I had been working on it all day and the day before.... so I was flat out getting tired but I wanted to get it done so if he brought some more then I would be ready..... I ask the Lord for the grace to do it and He gave it to me.... I then asked Him to send someone to help me stack it. He told me to call my son-in-law and offer to pay him to help. It wasn't very much but I couldn't think of how I could pay him... the Lord showed me how so I called him.
They couldn't be here until almost an hour by that time I had it completely sorted and as I looked at the pile I thought "I can do this myself, why did I even call him?" But I was impressed to just let them come and him help me. So I did. Come to find out my daughter had made a mistake when she added up the bills and they really needed the little bit of extra money but she wouldn't have just asked me for it, she is not like that... So...If I didn't have the wood then they wouldn't have that little bit of money.
To sum it up....
The wonderful man who gave me the wood doesn't have to pay to dump it (or have to use the gas to haul it 20 miles)
I have wood to last me about a month,
My friends have the wood to do what they wanted to do,
and my daughter and son-in-law have a little gas money,
One act of obedience, though totally ONLY THROUGH HIM ( I WOULD NOT HAVE LISTENED HAD HE NOT GIVEN ME THE GRACE), brought multiple blessings!!!!!
BTW... The pile was/ is Taken care of except a tiny bit of little pieces I need to find a container for...and a little pile that my neighbor is going to burn in his burn pit... it only took about 30 minutes after they go here.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is GOOD!!!!