I do this because I enjoy making templates.. (and other digital scrap stuff, that you may see someday)
and I share because that is what The Lord has put in my heart... He alone has made me giving and I take noooooo credit for it!
I am NOT a happy person if I don't share of myself in some way or another.... BUT... I am human... I have feelings.... and they do get hurt sometimes.... BUT GOD is a Faithful Father and sends encouragement when I am at my low points and just want to throw in the towel....
He has sent me many "angels" lately as He knows how I have struggled everyday. Again... I want to thank everyone one who has ever left a comment, those of you who constantly leave comments (You know who you are... and I wish I could name you all here),Those of you who sent me copies of your lOs or the links to them... and those of you that have went beyond the call, send me encouraging emails... Sindiego;~Joanne~My Pocket Angel; ~Sandy~ aka snojewel; Catroina ...Made blog posts for me, and the one who even made me a banner,JellyBean AKA Rachel, (I just gotta figure out how to install it!!!)
I hope I didn't miss anyone... and I hope I haven't hurt anyone's feelings by not naming everyone who posts comments ALL the time! All anyone has to do is look at the comments on my blog and on 4shared to see who you are... also The Father sees and I ask Him to BLESS you Abundantly!!!!
I have started writing down everyone because I am thinking about my options for sharing my templates and soon other things... I am considering starting a yahoo or google group so that I can send them directly to you... Those who's names I have written down will be the first invited/approved if that is the way I choose to go.
I am posting 2 more bragbook Temps tonight, along with the 12x12 for Friday... as I am not sure if I will be posting any on Monday as it is my BD... Ugggghhhh another digit that I have to add. Oh well! I heard something on TV the other night... "A good day is any day that you're alive" I keep trying to remind myself of that... while I try to figure out why He still has me here...
Have a WONDERFUL, JOYFILLED, BLESSED weekend! I hope you enjoy NSB day!!!!
On with the templates...
sorry... gone